Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Job Hunt

I swear, if I miss another job, and that dog laughs at me, I am going to find a way to hunt the dog instead.
Duck hunt joke. Eh? Eh?
Latest job hunt involves a custom-made Craigslist comber I coded in Java. Since I'm open to a lot of jobs, it's more a matter of removing ones I definitely won't take rather than using Search to find a job I want. So it does that part for me, makes a list of potential jobs, and I go through that once a day or so.
Also need to rewrite cover letter. All advice related to cover letters is useless - experts contradict themselves at every turn. Their one piece of advice? Address it to a person whose name you know. Thanks, experts! In the anonymous world of online-applications, nothing could be more relevant!

It's amazing how fast time goes when you're used to being employed or in school and then suddenly not. A full day can't show as much progress as an hour would have.

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