Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Job Hunt

I swear, if I miss another job, and that dog laughs at me, I am going to find a way to hunt the dog instead.
Duck hunt joke. Eh? Eh?
Latest job hunt involves a custom-made Craigslist comber I coded in Java. Since I'm open to a lot of jobs, it's more a matter of removing ones I definitely won't take rather than using Search to find a job I want. So it does that part for me, makes a list of potential jobs, and I go through that once a day or so.
Also need to rewrite cover letter. All advice related to cover letters is useless - experts contradict themselves at every turn. Their one piece of advice? Address it to a person whose name you know. Thanks, experts! In the anonymous world of online-applications, nothing could be more relevant!

It's amazing how fast time goes when you're used to being employed or in school and then suddenly not. A full day can't show as much progress as an hour would have.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Finals VS Lazy The Slothbeast

I've had a class this semester that was quite easy - technical communication. Regrettably, despite a full English B.A., they seemed to think I sitlll needed halp wit my speling and grammer. Teh fool!s
So I've ended up in a position where I could not study (read - get a 25% by sheer multiple choice guesswork) and still walk away with a B. I could also, with minimal luck (65%) get an A.
I've always wondered how much I actually absorb in a semester and how much is just put in the night before a test and immediately lost. Of course, I've never had the gall to test such a thing.
However, I'm quite tempted now. My GPA did nothing for me in my previous job hunt, and I've always wanted to know the answer to this question. Do tests actually test on long-term knowledge absorption? Or is it really a cramming arms race? What really is the point of exams if they're just a measure of how well you can briefly recall information?
Or am I just enjoying the option to laze my way through this?


Friday, May 7, 2010

...LiveJournal is dead? When did that happen?

I have a terrible history of keeping up to date with these things. Usually it's because I self edit or try to make myself all shiny.
Of course, with the number of people being not-hired or fired based on Facebook updates of them clad in orange safety cones and saran wrap, perhaps some online caution is warranted.

Nevertheless, occasionally I find myself wanting to rant without bothering people on the Facebook feed or limiting my verbose nature to 140 characters.

Additionally, I want to rant about my main hobby, gaming. Not computer games, as I've really not had enough time to engage in that, but tabletop gaming. The social, extremely nerdy kind where you pretend to be an elf.

Since I think most of my friends who find ridiculous the notion of rolling dice and cheering in triumph when a '20' is seen have dropped off the face of the earth, I feel more comfortable than I used to having gaming discussions in a public forum.

We'll see how often I actually end up updating this. But hey, on the plus side, Brain Bandit? Oh yeah, it alliterates. And it's awesome.
