Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Whedon Should Not Make More Firefly

I loved Firefly. I've also watched Whedon's Buffy, Angel, and a bit of Dollhouse. His stories are compelling and his characters are lovable. But, under no circumstances, should Whedon be allowed near Firefly again.
I hesitate in saying this, as I have signed e-petitions and geeked out with the best of them, but this change in thinking has been a long time coming. Let me explain.
Say you were an orphan and had been adopted by a very rich man. He gives you a room with closet filled with toys, a pantry with all the food you could ever want, and a stable with your very own ponies. You spend a magical day eating, playing, and riding your new ponies.
At the end of the day, the kindly rich man asks you which of the ponies you love the most. With a smile, you explain you loved the soft brown one the most. The very rich man smiles knowingly, pats you on the head, and eviscerates that horse in front of you with a chainsaw.
"Why?" you ask. "Why would you kill the most adorable and beloved one?"
Spattered with gore, he kisses you gently on the head, and says, "Because now you'll appreciate the others more. Goodnight!"

That's Whedon.
Granted, I'd be thrilled and love it anyway should Firefly return, but... that pony. Why, Whedon, why? Curse your eventual but preventable betrayal!